Tips to prevent "FLU"

Written by Ruthie on 18. November 2015 00:41 o'clock


1. Get adequate sleep
Research shows that when you are deprived of sleep, inflammation in the body rises while our fightin' t-cells decrease. The result? A sluggish immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight off colds and influenza. Plus, after a lacklustre sleep we are more likely to reach for the third cup of coffee or cinnamon bun for an energy boost.


Poor sleep -> stress and cravings -> poor diet -> hampered immune system

2. Get some honey..
Did you know just one teaspoon of sugar has the ability to suppress your immune system for four hours? Sugar also forces your body to tap into its own important mineral reserve to assimilate and find ways to deal with it in the body. Another thing; bacteria, yeast and fungi that we are trying to avoid thrive on sugars. More sugar + processed foods = feasting time for bad bacteria
Good news: In small amounts, raw honey is a great option as it is antiviral, anti-fungal, anti- bacterial properties which out immune system loves.

3. Make time for youself!
Have you noticed that you seem to catch a cold when you are having an extra difficult week at work, experiencing bumps in your personal life? When we're stressed over long periods the body releases hormones that impair the effectiveness of white blood cells (our immune soldiers)The reason being is our body is trying to deal with a perceived 'threat' placing priority onto some bodily functions (such as circulation) and disregarding others (immune function, digestion)

 Stress lowers your ability to fight disease.

4. Put In Double Time At The Gym
Regular moderate exercise is great for our mental health, circulation and keeping colds at bay. However for some endurance athletes and high-intensity trainers, too much of a good thing can be really hard on your body, potentially weakening your immune system. Overexertion during exercise can be perceived as stress by the body, exposing it to free radicals, and increasing the amount of stress hormones circulating through the body. Too many of these bad guys can get in the way of your sleep cycle, cause weight gain and hinder your ability to fight disease.

What Else Would You Add To The List?


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