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from Ruthie at 12. November 2015 22:51 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Why Is Sunshine So Essential?


Think about how happy you are after a day in the sun. Several studies have proven that exposure to sunlight significantly reduces or even eliminates, one's symptoms of depression. Therefore, daily sunshine may be an easy, cost-effective way of improving mental illness.
Vitamin D is essential in order to heal and seal a leaky gut.
Vitamin D is required for calcium absorption, ensuring your bones are kept strong and healthy.
Autoimmune disorders have tripled in the last 50 years, so clearly we are doing something wrong. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce symptoms as well as the risk of autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis and Type 1 Diabetes.
Vitamin D can regulate your blood pressure and increase your chance of a longer life span.
It can reduce your risk of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other metabolic syndromes due to the link between insulin sensitivity and Vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D is a huge contributor in regulating your immune system.
Sleep and sunshine go hand in hand. Just 10 minutes of s...

from Ruthie at 12. November 2015 22:43 o`clock  ·  Comments: 2
1. Lower Blood Pressure (when high)
A recent study at London's Queen Mary University found that one glass of beet juice daily was more effective at lowering high blood pressure than medication. Of course, this doesn't mean you should stop taking medication if you have high blood pressure.


But, it does mean that adding a cup of beet juice and more beets to your diet could be helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, angina and heart disease.

2. Increase Exercise Endurance
A study at England's University of Exeter found that eating foods rich in naturally-occurring nitrates, like beets, improved endurance during exercise. The scientists studied various substances and training methods to see which, if any, would improve stamina. Beet juice had the greatest effect, improving peoples' ability to exercise for 16% longer than without it, without tiring. Naturally-occurring nitrates have been shown to widen blood vessels and allow more oxygen-rich blood to travel to the heart.

3. Anti-Inflammatory
Raw beets or raw beet juice contain betaine,...

from Ruthie at 12. November 2015 22:40 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
For hundreds of years, humans have looked at other cultures to discover the secrets to longevity and quality of life..........


1. Tarahumara Tribe (Copper Canyons, Mexico)
A light-footed running tribe from the Copper Canyon's in Mexico are renown for their incredible long distance running endurance! The tribe uses trail running to deliver messages and communicate between families and is a major part of their lifestyle. Running was also important for hunting animals, chasing down deer until they are too exhausted to escape. Their speedy feet have resisted modern chronic disease for centuries. The combination of endurance running while soaking up nature's sunshine has assisted the Tarahumara tribe to become one of the world's healthiest tribes! To find out more about this tribe check out the FMTV film 'Goshen' you can watch it here!

2. Inuit/Yupik (Northern Expanses of Russia, US, Canada & Greenland)
The Inuit/Yupik are more commonly known as 'Eskimos' have adapted to the harsh below zero climate of the north. Their diet is HIGH in saturated fat due to the consumption of se...

from Ruthie at 12. November 2015 12:52 o`clock  ·  Comments: 2

Sex-drive boosting libido superfoods:

Celery: considered an excellent food to ramp up sexual stimulation. The reason being that it boosts a powerful substance known as androsterone – an odorless hormone released through male perspiration. 'Yuk' I hear you. Well, this is one of those kind of sweats that has that strange effect on women...the same effect that I understand a dozen red roses has.
Maca: this is a less common food, but is no less potent. Having only recently been introduced to the Western world you will be forgiven for not finding it in your local supermarket. I had not heard of this until very recently when it was hailed as a Natural Viagra . Like anyone else, this claim made me curious. According to some it is believed to improve sexual performance, the frequency with which people desire sex and can be effective in increasing sperm count! Not only that, but guys should expect an increase in testosterone, a helping hand in any fight against erective dysfunctions and impotency and it also makes you feel younger. Quality! Fear not ladies – for women, maca is re...

from Ruthie at 12. November 2015 01:28 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
While there is no such thing as a fountain of youth, there certainly are things that you can do to keep yourself looking youthful for as long as possible. One of those delicious ways to stop the aging clock is to eat fruit! Certain fruits contain high antioxidant properties that can keep your skin feeling firm, clear and young.


Check out our top 10 favorite fruits to consume to minimize the wrinkles, discoloration and other signs of aging skin, and make yourself a powerful anti-aging fruit salad

1. Kiwi
The strong antioxidant compounds in this little green fruit firm the skin and delay the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. This is mostly due to their high Vitamin C and E content which help reduce skin damage due to free radicals.

2. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is a rich source of riboflavin, phosphorus and other vitamins and minerals that will promote beautiful skin by increasing its collagen. Collagen is what gives the skin its firmness and elasticity.

3. Watermelon

from Ruthie at 12. November 2015 01:24 o`clock  ·  Comments: 1


1 peeled pink grapefruit
1 peeled orange
1/4 of a peeled pineapple
1 peeled lemon
1 peeled lime

Peel, chop, juice, and enjoy.
If you would like a larger juice add another grapefruit, orange and another 1/4 pineapple.
Not only does this juice taste amazing and look beautiful but it's full of health benefits

Heath benefits:
Pink grapefruit is alkalizing, aids with weight loss, improves skin, boosts immunity, fights allergies, hydrating, boosts energy, improves diabetes, reduce cellulite and boosts brain health.
Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, high in fibre, alkalizing, improves fertility, protects against heart disease, prevents asthma, boosts brain health, helps fight cancer, reduces inflammation and aids in digestion which help with weight loss.
Lemons are great for detoxing, their very alkaline, rich in vitamin C, restores the body's PH levels, aids in digestion, anti ageing, helps prevent and cure cancer, antibacterial, strengthens blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and keeps your kidneys ...

from Ruthie at 11. November 2015 00:48 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
1. Your Brain Loves Fat


60 percent of your brain is made up of fat, so the kind of fat that you need to consume has to be of a very high quality. Your brain is especially fond of omega-3 fats, but it also needs omega-6 fats. These essential fats are very delicate and prone to damage, so you need to consume an undamaged blend.

2. Your Brain Loves Water

The largest component in your body is water, so you need to consume enough clean, uncontaminated water to keep your body and brain well hydrated.

3. Your Brain Loves Protein

Protein is important not just for building muscle, but also for keeping your neurons talking effectively. If you don't eat enough good quality protein, your neurons battle to chat to each other, and you could find it difficult to concentrate, leading to memory challenges. Protein should be organic if it comes from an animal, and you need to combine grains with legumes to make complete protein if you are a vegetarian.

4. Your Brain Is The Greediest Organ In Your Body

Your brain is the most energy hungr...

from Ruthie at 11. November 2015 00:45 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
This bright orange tuber is a superstar in the root vegetable world. It's featured all over health bloggers Instagrams, on the menus of healthy cafe's and restaurants. But why is it so good for you?


We did some digging and found these 12 great reasons to eat sweet potato:

1. Helps To Keep Disease At Bay

Sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin B6. A vitamin which helps to reduce the chemical homocysteine in your body. High homocysteine levels have been linked to degenerative diseases including heart attacks.

2. They Are A Good Source of Vitamin C

That orange color isn't just for show! These brightly colored spuds are packed with vitamin C, offering support for your immune system, bones and teeth, digestion and blood cell formation. It also helps to accelerate wound healing and improves the appearance of your skin by producing collagen.

3. Supports Your Bones

It's not something we'd typically assume, but sweet potatoes contain small amounts of Vitamin D. A nutrient that helps to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth, as well as...

from Ruthie at 11. November 2015 00:16 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Ginger is an ancient wonder spice and is given the status of a "natural medicine chest" in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. That's because this wonder spice has time-tested, digestion-friendly properties, in addition to its numerous other health benefits.


In India, ginger is liberally used in daily life. Ginger-infused Chai is a household favorite, and it's grandma's antidote of choice for battling cold and flu!

On millions of dining tables in India, you'll see matchsticks of fresh ginger that have turned a soft pink from being soaked in lemon juice and salt: a zingy accompaniment to any cooked meal.

Try some fresh ginger just before a meal to stoke your digestive fire and support a health gut! You can grate it up and squeeze it into a hot tea, add it to juices, baked goods, smoothies and more... experiment and have fun.

Let's give this knobbly root a closer look.

10 Terrific Benefits of Ginger:

Haven't been feeling hungry? Eat a little fresh ginger just before a meal to inspire your appetite and activate your digestive juices.
Eating ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essenti...

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