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from Ruthie at 30. November 2015 01:01 o`clock  ·  Comments: 1
The number one cause of obesity is something known as "emotional eating." Many people have heard this term, but few are aware of just how strong a hold it has on their health and well-being. If food is your way of dealing with stress and anxiety, you are not alone. That said, you don't have to continue to fall prey to getting your emotional support from overeating. Here are some steps that can help you avoid the pitfalls of emotional eating.


1. Discover Your Triggers:
Get out a piece of paper and spend some time considering what it is that actually triggers you. What is the source of your emotional discomfort? Think about all the different life situations you've been through, especially the ones that left you feeling hurt, upset, angry or alone. Divorce? Write it down. Childhood abuse? Write it down. Make a note of all the difficult emotional times you have experienced. Your emotional eating triggers are rooted in these upsetting events and traumas from your past, even if they occurred long ago. Beginning to become aware of the emotional baggage that you carry will help you to recognize when some of these...

from Ruthie at 24. November 2015 01:19 o`clock  ·  Comments: 1
Anti-oxidants have been proven to have a myriad of health benefits and have been shown to prevent the development of a range of chronic illnesses. Try this delicious juice recipe from the Food Matters 'Detox and Rejuvenation Guide'. This juice is full of powerful anti-oxidants that can lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes-related damage and even slow down the body's natural aging process, it's a super anti-oxidant boost!


Anti-Oxidant Juice Recipe
1 orange, peeled
1/2 a lemon, peeled
2 large carrots
A big wedge of fresh pineapple and
1 small beet
Juice in a juicer (preferably a cold-pressed juicer), serve over ice and drink immediately. 

from Ruthie at 21. November 2015 21:12 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
How many of us have been told that if we burn more calories than we eat, weight loss will be inevitable? How many of us have discovered that this century-old philosophy does not seem to apply to our body no matter how hard we work, in this modern world?


But this is often when the confusion sets in; weight loss or weight maintenance is meant to be simple right? It's defined by calories in vs. calories out, so as long as you abide by this you will experience results? But that doesn't appear to be happening in your case, cue "I must be doing something wrong, ok, I'll exercise even more and I'll eat fewer calories than I already am, that should work!" Unfortunately, more often than not it doesn't.

This fundamental of nutrition has well and truly been questioned and we are seeing more evidence supporting that not all calories are equal. But how is that possible? Our bodies react very differently with calories from different sources, they may go through similar digestive processes but the biochemical reactions they trigger can be completely different. To put this into context let's compare how 1000 calories from a fizzy drink...

from Ruthie at 21. November 2015 21:01 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Read on to understand just how powerful this rough and sometimes misunderstood fruit really is. One can only say that its exterior is so rough so as to keep all of its luscious, mineral and vitamin rich benefits safely wrapped up just for you.


1. Say it with me, Fat is GOOD! Or should I say good fats are good. Let me explain...
Avocados alias as 'Nature's Butter' has turned it into a slightly misunderstood little fruit. Unlike vegetable fats (think canola), avocados are rich in monosaturated fats, which are great for heart health, and in aiding in the absorption of antioxidants. So contrary to fatty beliefs, this fat is a great one to have as part of a balanced diet, especially for those with high cholesterol or those looking to shed a couple pounds.

2. Rich in Nutrients & Low in Sugar
These creamy little bundles are packed with protein, high in fiber (6-7grams per half fruit) and incredibly versatile! What does this mean for you? It means that swapping out that mayo, cheese or butter on your sandwich for just 1⁄2 an avocado will help fill you up for longer as well as gi...

from Ruthie at 20. November 2015 01:56 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Do you take a lunch break? If you don't, you're unfortunately not alone.


In 1990 half of Americans took a lunch break of at least 30 minutes, reports a Gallup poll. But in 2012 only one-third of workers were taking a lunch break. Recent reports show these figures are getting worse and only 20% of Americans are now taking a break from their desk at lunchtime. Most workers now are eating lunch at their desk, which as we will see below is very detrimental to health and wellbeing. Statistics vary slightly from study to study but the general conclusion is that the lunch break in the USA (and around the world) is sadly disappearing. This is also despite the law in 22 US states that workers must take 30 minutes to one-hour lunch break.

So Why Should You Take A Lunch Break?

1. Connect With Your Colleagues
Taking a lunch break allows you to connect with colleagues in your own and other departments if you have a central tea room or kitchen area. This is great for workplace relationships and morale. In modern workplaces, we now e-mail the person next to us. How about taking some time out and speaking w...

from Ruthie at 18. November 2015 01:10 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0

Get your memory back even in old age!

Neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) are responsible for sending messages around the body and are subsequently responsible for bodily functions. If your mind goes blank in the middle of a sentence, is it likely that that one of those chemicals has short-circuited, most likely due to an inadequate amount of nutrients supplying them.

The proper nutrients to the brain are vital for retaining memory through to old age, which is indeed achievable. There are certain nutrients that will really help. Manganese nourishes the brain and neurotransmitters. You'll find manganese in mussels, nuts, organic tofu, legumes, pepitas; B Complex vitamins are essential. Vitamin C will help with circulation and allergies – guava, capsicum, kiwi, tomatoes, Australian Bush tucker food – gubinge and Camu Camu from the Amazon; Vitamin E will improve blood flow to the brain – hazelnut, sunflower, almond and olive oils and also nuts; Zinc will bind to and remove toxic substances from the brain – pepitas, mushrooms, oyster, whole grains; choline (from soy lecithin) is important for neur...

from Ruthie at 18. November 2015 00:41 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
1. Get adequate sleep
Research shows that when you are deprived of sleep, inflammation in the body rises while our fightin' t-cells decrease. The result? A sluggish immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight off colds and influenza. Plus, after a lacklustre sleep we are more likely to reach for the third cup of coffee or cinnamon bun for an energy boost.


Poor sleep -> stress and cravings -> poor diet -> hampered immune system

2. Get some honey..
Did you know just one teaspoon of sugar has the ability to suppress your immune system for four hours? Sugar also forces your body to tap into its own important mineral reserve to assimilate and find ways to deal with it in the body. Another thing; bacteria, yeast and fungi that we are trying to avoid thrive on sugars. More sugar + processed foods = feasting time for bad bacteria
Good news: In small amounts, raw honey is a great option as it is antiviral, anti-fungal, anti- bacterial properties which out immune system loves.

3. Make time for youself!
Have you noticed t...

from Ruthie at 18. November 2015 00:24 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Calcium is an essential mineral to our body, it is the building blocks to our bones and maintains bodily functions such as heart rhythm, nerve communication and the contraction and release of our muscles! Common knowledge tends to steer us towards dairy products as the ultimate source of calcium......

1. Dark Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens are loaded with calcium! Greens such as; Kale (Collard Green), Broccoli and Spinach are packed full of this essential mineral. Around about 40-60% of the calcium found in these plants can be absorbed by the body. The mineral 'Magnesium' is best friends with these greens as they both need to be present for proper absorption.

2. Almonds
Who doesn't love almonds? With over 26% of your daily value of calcium per 100g, almonds are the perfect 'Go-To' booster snack to up your calcium intake. Not to mention they are loaded with protein, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium & are a low-sugar snack option!

3. Rice Milk
Rice milk, as well as other milk alternatives, are usually fortified with calcium and vitamin D (which f...

from Ruthie at 16. November 2015 13:35 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
Eat As Nature Intended
Nature didn't create you to eat ready-made frozen meals with artificial preservatives and chemicals. Our ancestors have always lived in symbiosis with nature, and humankind has always been geared toward natural food. It's simple: eat more 'living' food and eat less 'dead' food. This means plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (in season and a wide range of colors), herbs, seaweeds, mushrooms, sprouted nuts and seeds, natural yoghurt and cultured vegetables, and if you eat meat and animal products this would also include organic free-range eggs, fish, game and naturally reared animals.


Choose Organic
Organic fruits and vegetables can often contain more vitamins and minerals than their non-organic or conventional counterparts, particular if they have been picked ripe and are locally grown. They are also safer to eat because they are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms (GMO'S), all of which have been shown to have harmful effects on our reproductive health and hormone and overload the liver. If you eat animal products, choose natural dairy ...

from Ruthie at 16. November 2015 12:20 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
You lose more than your cold and flu symptoms when you take antibiotics!


In a battle against an infection, antibiotics can bring victory over enemy germs. Yet that war-winning aid can come with significant collateral damage; microbial allies and innocents are killed off, too. Such casualties may be unavoidable in some cases, but a lot of people take antibiotics when they're not necessary or appropriate. And the toll of antibiotics on a healthy microbiome can, in some places, be serious, a new study suggests.

In two randomized, placebo-controlled trials of healthy people, a single course of oral antibiotics altered the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome for months, and in some cases up to a year. Such shifts could clear the way for pathogens, including the deadly Clostridium difficile. Those community changes can also alter microbiome activities, including interacting with the immune system and helping with digestion. Overall, the data, published Tuesday in the journal mBio, suggests that antibiotics may have more side effects than previously thought—at least in the gut.

In the mouth, on the other h...

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